Andrew: Talent
Together: Talented Random Ideas?
Okay, maybe not exactly. Regardless, we are excited to share with our friends and family a new adventure that Andrew and I have decided to embark on. 'UnCommon Reel: Photo Design Project'.
Long story short, I love innovative photography. My eye is drawn to the 'uncommon' (think furniture placed in wheat fields, vintage props for modern photos, bright colors and rustic wares side by side). I am passionate about people. I feel confident in my client relation and creativity skills and tend to be bossy, I mean savvy, when it comes to execution. But...I am only okay at taking pictures.
Andrew, on the other hand, is a true entrepreneur who also happens to be an A-maz-ing photographer. Patient, smart, technical, light hearted, hard working and design skills up the wazoo. Oh, and he happens to have some of the best equipment out there and editing skills that will surely turn heads.
After recently
So, after a beer or two, some collaboration and a few "You're really talented - why thank you. And you're really creative - aw, thanks. We have decided to give this whole photography business thing a go.
Of course, 'photography business' is a bit too stuffy for us. We have preferred the term 'project' from the start.
Take a look at a few pictures that inspired this whole deal. I assure you, the photography is where it's at. It was 101 degrees out, we got caught in a rainstorm and my hair was being too fluffy. Talent at it's best.